People make bucket lists. I actually came across mine the other day. I have it saved to my email, of email has become my dumping ground for any and all of my latest ideas, wish-lists, recipes to try, whatever I seem to be obsessed with that day or that week that I don't want to forget...and then end up forgetting because well that ticker keeps going in my brain and then a squirrel comes fellow ADD Tribe Members know what I'm talking about...
Let me paint a visual for you. You watch the news, and they have a little Ticker Tape going on, on the bottom of the screen, and they're giving you the news while this is scrolling across your TV like a Severe Weather Bulletin. For someone with ADD, add about three or four tickers on top of that, all scrolling different information, on top of the news anchors delivering you even more information. Welcome to a day in the life of me.
Co-morbid with the ADD is a touch of OCD and also Asperger Syndrome. I've learned to love it because I get to obsess about a different thing each day, sometimes in cycles for instance Family History. I'll go through spurts of about 2 weeks at a crack where I'll be hard core "Let's get a subscription to and research the crap out of our families!!" and then two weeks later it's onto the next obsession. Hence, a subscription would probably NOT be a good idea. But if any of you out there are willing to search for me...Just kidding. That would be boring for you.
I've learned through a short stint in therapy that writing my blog and doing my YouTube Videos is actually a good form of self-therapy for me…which is great because around the time my son Jax was born, I legitimately forgot to attend my therapy appointments. You must know though at the time, my mother was having Emergency Surgery to place an LVAD into her heart which she could have died from, although she did die twice in the ambulance from here to Milwaukee. Needless to say I had a LOT on my mind. My point—though my therapy sessions were working wonders for me, due to my missing (I believe) three in a row, my therapist subsequently dropped me from his care. Bummer. you, the reader, can get a taste of life behind the veil of "someone on the spectrum"...I know I'm not the only Aspie to write a blog. I'm not trying to glorify it, or use it as a crutch, or make people feel sorry for me. I love me. I love learning new characteristics about me. And I'm blessed because I have people who know my quirks yet love me anyway. It's the epitome of the phrase "Those who matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter."
You know, I started this entry talking about bucket lists and coming across mine...another case in point for an ADD Tribe Member...
I dare to dream. I like to think I dream big. I say this because there are those who when I say my dream either immediately try to shoot it down or lead me to believe "he's shooting for the moon, there's no way he can do that."...
I feel like I've blogged about that before. Here's to dreaming big.
I consider myself an empathic person. That tends to wear a person out. It's great to be an empathic person, because in my opinion the world needs more empaths...but at the same time, one gets so wrapped up in taking on others' problems that their own needs oftentimes get neglected. It's a fine line to walk being an empath.