Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Decapitated Chicken Syndrome

Intimidation is a horrible thing; it provokes wars. I hate feeling intimidated, repressed, inferior, not good enough... No matter who it is, we will call that entity "The Man", for all intents and purposes, because that's really what it boils down to when you think about it. The more important question then, would be "Why does one let themself feel intimidated?" Experience proves fighting "Ego with Ego" does not work. "The Man" will just amp up his or her intimidation factor, which will make you feel either A.) even more intimidated and repressed than before, or B.) provoke war, which could lead down an irrevocable and devastating road.

These are just some musings...

One can expend a lot of time and energy to stay connected to family and friends, through various media. But all of that time and energy is wasted if the other side of those connections don't share the same desire. And life moves so fast, that keeping all of one's connections, easy though it may be through technology, gets to be difficult. One simply must slow down, maybe even unplug for a while, and regroup. Regather one's thoughts, and then come back to the table at that slower pace, and take time to have a cup of coffee :). To surprise someone with a cup of coffee and take time to catch up. So simple of a light bulb, so great of a "Duh!" moment, but at the times when life moves so fast one does not think they have the time, but it can make all the difference in the world to another person. All the technology in the world cannot compare to a person-to-person interaction, no matter how brief.

Amazing Perk of having OCD & ADD - One can obsess about a different thing each day. It obviously has its downside, mainly that something requested of me may or may not be done, and if it's not, it usually takes 2 weeks or so for me to do it. I've really got to work on that.

The last 4-5 months have been somewhat of a void, creatively-speaking. I last posted to a blog in January, and until Sunday had not posted a YouTube video since March 12. Leaves me wondering, "What happened to my creativity?!" GAH! Contrary to what I may make myself believe, I have not unplugged, as I have mentioned before. This was another one of those times when life just moved so fast that I couldn't keep up with myself. Combine the previous two paragraphs, and well...hello, My name is Eric.

I'll tell you what it is, it's DCS - Decapitated Chicken Syndrome. Think about that, chew on it a while before you digest that. Being an idiom idiot, I come up with my own idioms that make sense to me, but nobody else. It's so cliche to say "Running around like a chicken with its head cut off". To-do lists get too long. List items do not get accomplished, more lists get made, everything is rush-rush to get this one thing done...pretty soon one is in a tailspin of getting their things accomplished while thinking of the other things (or not thinking, as it were), of what else needs to get done.

Timidity Sucks. Oh, it's easy enough to say, "Well then stop being so timid then."...but it's a mindset. One has to completely reprogram one's brain to stand up and say something, to fight back, to dare to risk embarassment and humiliation and just get up and say what needs to be said, or do what needs to be done. It surely has a big factor in intimidation, I mean look, it's right in the word. Intimidators intimidate the timid. Use them, take advantage of kindness or even just the fact that they know the other person will not fight back. What is it, though, that makes the timid not want to fight back? Especially when one is a hot-headed spitfire, maybe even Passive-Aggressive?

That's truly the question. How does one fight Passive-Aggressiveness? Although at very few times, passive-aggressiveness can be humorous, it really doesn't help anyone.

As an afterthought...take advantage of breaks that come your way, if even brief or miniscule. What you do with that break...

A second afterthought, one which I struggle with continually...one must choose his battles, and choose them wisely.