The Beauty of an ADD/OCD/Aspy brain is that one gets to obsess about a different thing each day...or week...or more...depends on what the topic is and how hard one's attention span is focused on it. Usually though, at least a few times a year I will come back to that particular topic; Family History is a big perennial topic of mine, for example. Dig my use of the semi-colon with this post, huh!?
**[insert subtle segue here]**
The self-proclaimed Wicked Witch of West Allis found her dancing shoes 5 days after my birthday this year, and is dancing with Jesus as we speak. The whole thing is somewhat of a blur to me, everything happened so fast. At Midnight, I was told that she was being put on comfort measures, and that she did not have long. By 1:30, she was at the Ball meeting her dance partner. I got the call, and suddenly there was no one left standing in the hall. I never realized until just recently how pertinent Stevie Nick's words were to my life at that moment in time, and thus her song has an entirely new meaning for me. In fact I'm listening to the song as I type.
Since the inception of this blog, along with my "never-ending quest for knowledge", I have also discovered a lot about myself--overlooked facts, character traits (both good and not so good), pieces of my very essence that I'd never realized before. I've also learned to recognize my quirks, and to love them. The Idiom Idiocy, the Numbers Mysticism, The Even-Numbered Pattern Program and the like...I've learned to use them for my advantage, to become the "force of nature" it has become my mission to be.
At the Homily for my grandmother, Father Augustine had said that Grandma had a "magic knife", in that there was always enough food for everyone--and they had a family of 8 to feed at one point in time--and no one was ever in want of a need. That struck a chord with me. Since Grandma left for the dance, I've tried to emulate her, and thus I say I have a "Magic Spoon", in honor of her. I cook a lot of One-Pot meals that always leave enough for others, or for leftovers. I've definitely learned how to make just $60 of groceries stretch over two weeks, $100 stretch over four, and none of us have gone hungry, or are in want of a need. I've also learned to go back to basics...why spend $4 for a box of crackers when you can spend a fraction of that and make your own? They'll undoubtedly have less preservatives and GMOs and what have you, and really it's not that hard.
Most Moms and Grandmas, even some Dads and Grandpas, are famous for one thing. "Grandma makes the best Peanut Butter cookies, no one makes them like her..." I have recently discovered what I will most undoubtedly become "famous" for. Crackers. My children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren (if my wish of living to at least the ripe old age of 117 holds up), will know me best for my cracker making. Truly it all started with less than $2 in our checking account, and our pantry in need of some sort of snack type thing. I've become an advocate for buying local, making it myself, and with the crackers, there are so many possibilities...I knew we had flour, I figured crackers couldn't be hard to make...why pay $4 a box when you don't have to (or can't, for that matter)? Same holds true for coffee creamer and butter (although the latter almost killed my food processor).
Self-sufficiency isn't hard, and if you're hell-bent on doing it, you'll find a way to make it work. You don't have to go to all the specialty stores and buy only organic flour that was pressed and ground by an elephant's hoof and picked by 47 children in the Garden of Eden (if you go there you're bound to get wet). I may start a separate blog with my new-found Self Sufficient recipes, as well as recipes I'm dreaming up that are still in their beta stages..though with the rate I've been posting blogs, don't expect it till early 2016...I exaggerate, of course.
Love your quirks. Don't ever let anyone make you feel any less of a person for them. I am not quite to the point about not giving a flying fart what people think of me, but I'm pretty close. You have your family, and those who love you for you, really who else are you out there to impress, a bunch of fake people that are secretly judging you? Those who look down their noses at you for who you are or where you come from? You do you, and if that's not enough then there is just no pleasing them...don't ever think you need to live up to anyone else's expectations on this earth. There's only One whose example we should follow, and He happens to be my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So I say again, love your quirks. Don't change a thing. Be You. Do You. Quirks and all. After all, you wouldn't BE you without them. Why be a carbon copy of every other Joe walking the streets where you live? Be You. Do You. Love the things that others will (undoubtedly) find "less than perfect"...after all, that's what we all are. Less Than Perfect. The One Perfect One died for all your real imperfections, so really what have you got to lose?
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